Holistic health and nutrition therapy

holistic healthcare

Holistic health and nutrition therapy is used to treat people suffering from a wide range of symptoms that can manifest on a physical, mental and emotional level. Using functional medicine and ancient Chinese 5 Element diagnostic techniques, potentially harmful foods and imbalances can be identified that may be causing you health problems.

Following consultation, which can include a full family health history, the body can be put on the road to recovery and better health using natural medicine, such as dietary changes, superfoods and supplements.

Holistic nutrition therapy treats the person as a whole rather than as a set of symptoms requiring treatment. It is a personalised approach; every treatment is tailored to the needs of the individual, taking into account lifestyle and achievable goals.

Holistic nutrition therapy is the 21st century approach to health problems. Today, our environment is worsening and the quality of our food is deteriorating in nutrient value. An increase in sugar, salt, fat and artificial chemicals have also had an effect on our bodies. Nutrition works at a cellular level, providing nutrients needed to build a stronger, more efficient and resilient body. We need to give ourselves the best possible intake of nutrients to allow our bodies to be as healthy as possible and to fight ailments without medicines. A nutritional programme, supported by vitamin and mineral supplements and superfoods if necessary, may be all that you need to enjoy better health.

Independent functional laboratory testing, if needed, will complement a holistic approach to help find root causes to health issues.

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